DO NOT take your new puppy to any public places, such as pet shops or pet supply stores where other dogs may be present, even parks should be avoided until your puppy has completed his/her vaccinations. It is very important that anyone that wants to handle your puppy should wash his/her hands first. Parvo can be carried on the hands from touching another dog that may have it. Puppies love to play, but give him/her short play periods and do not let him/her get over tired as puppies need several hours of sleep a day.
Your puppy will go through a stress period for a few days as he has left his home and family, the only one he has known, and gone into a completely different environment with a new family. The puppy may be shy for a few days but after he has had a chance to explore his/her new surroundings that will change. During this period Coccidiosis or Giardia may show itself in the stool of your puppy. There will be a light sheath of mucous or blood in the stool. Do not be alarmed! Simply have a stool sample done to check for these two things. Coccidiosis and Giardia are easily treatable. Your vet will have the medication to give for your new pup. You will need to keep your puppy isolated from other dogs. Coccidiosis and Giardia does not render your puppy unhealthy if there is a diagnosis, wash your hands after handling your puppy. During stress is when Coccidiosis and Giardia appears. It can also appear in very small puppies at times. Coccidiosis is and opportunist and lives in the colon of all dogs.
Being overheated, wet, or chilled are equally hard on a small puppy. Most puppies love the snow, but if he gets wet or chilled, dry him/her thoroughly and give him a warm blanket for a nap.
If you have played with or handled other dogs remember to wash your hands thoroughly before handling or feeding your puppy.We cannot stress this enough! Enjoy your new puppy and good luck!
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
Hypoglycemia can occur without warning when a puppy is placed in a new home or while being shipped. The dog may appear to be depressed or may be weak, wobbly, and jerky; or the puppy may be found in a coma. It might appear after a puppy misses a meal, chills, becomes exhausted from too much playing or has digestive upset. These upsets place an added strain on the energy reserves on the liver and bring on symptoms.
Treatment is directed at restoring blood levels of glucose. Begin at once! Prolonged or repeated attacks can cause permanent damage to the brain. If the puppy is awake, give white Kayro syrup,
honey or sugar in water by mouth. You should see an improvement in a few minutes. The tongue and gums will take on a bright pink color. When unconscious, a puppy will have to be given a dextrose solution under the skin. A veterinarian should be called at once. The dextrose solution may be given intravenously but this is not recommended for very tiny puppies as it may put them in shock.
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